JQI Summer School

Fri, Jul 8, 2016 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
PSC 2136


Speaker: Xiaopeng Li

Institution: JQI/CMTC

(The JQI summer school is for graduate students and postdocs, but others are welcome to join for refreshments afterwards; Discussion with pizza and refreshments at 5:00pm)

Title: An Introduction to Many-Body Localization

Abstract: Many-body localization has recently attracted tremendous research attentions from both AMO and condensed matter communities. Such fundamental questions in quantum statistical physics as when and how a disordered quantum system thermalizes are revitalized. In this lecture, I will start from Anderson localization of single-particle states, and describes how the concept of localization generalizes to Many-body localization, explaining the main differences of interacting and non-interacting systems. The theory of local integral of motion for many-body localization will be discussed. In the end I will give a brief review about the present experimental status and outline my view (biased) for future directions.