EPT Seminar - Reza Ebadi, UMD

Mon, Jan 27, 2025 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
PSC 3150


Speaker: Reza Ebadi, UMD

Title: Scalar-induced gravitational waves from stochastic fluctuations

Abstract: We present a novel mechanism for gravitational wave generation in the early Universe. Light spectator scalar fields during inflation can acquire a blue-tilted power spectrum due to stochastic effects. We show that this effect can lead to large curvature perturbations at small scales (induced by the spectator field fluctuations) while maintaining the observed, slightly red-tilted curvature perturbations at large cosmological scales (induced by the inflaton fluctuations). Along with other observational signatures, such as enhanced dark matter substructure, large curvature perturbations can induce a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB). The predicted strength of SGWB in our scenario can be observed with future detectors.

Zoom link: https://umd.zoom.us/j/95913933745?pwd=qCekrni5KRyBoypxAEJS9xE1drb05A.1
ID: 959 1393 3745
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