Plasma Physics Seminar

Wed, May 1, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Energy Research Facility, Room 1207


Higher-order nonequilibrium term (HORNET): An effective power density quantifying evolution towards or away from local thermodynamic equilibrium

Speaker Name: M. Hasan Barbhuiya, West Virginia University

Abstract :
When studying energy conversion in plasma
systems, such as space plasma, it is common to compare the power
densities of different energy conversion mechanisms. A prominent
research area focuses on quantifying energy conversion for such weakly
collisional plasmas that are routinely not in local thermodynamic
equilibrium (LTE), meaning their local phase space densities can be
arbitrarily far from a Maxwellian. We introduce the "higher-order
nonequilibrium term"; (HORNET) effective power density, which
measures the time rate of change of the departure of local phase space
densities from LTE. With dimensions of power density, HORNET enables
quantitative comparisons with standard power densities, such as the
pressure-strain interaction. We compute HORNET using high-resolution
particle-in-cell simulations of two plasma phenomena that inherently
exhibit non-LTE effects, namely magnetic reconnection and decaying
kinetic turbulence in collisionless magnetized plasmas. Comparing
HORNET with pressure dilatation, Pi-D, and the divergence of the
vector heat flux density (that describe changes to internal energy)
reveals that HORNET can be a significant fraction of these other power
densities in reconnection and in turbulence, underscoring the
importance of capturing the non-LTE evolution in collisionless plasma

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