Speaker: Hitoshi Murayama, Univ. of California, Berkeley
Title: How Anomaly Mediation Helps Us to Understand Gauge Theories
Abstract: Despite progress in lattice simulations, there are still many aspects of non-perturbative dynamics of gauge theories we do not understand. On the other hand, supersymmetric gauge theories have been “solved exactly” in some cases, but they do not resemble dynamics we expect in non-supersymmetric gauge theories. Anomaly mediation of supersymmetry breaking has a remarkable property called UV insensitivity and we know how they work even on composite states. Using this property, we can “derive” chiral Lagrangian, monopole condensation, fermion bilinear and gluon condensates, hidden local symmetry, and many properties we’ve empirically known in QCD. I also discuss some chiral gauge theories whose dynamics are not understood at all.